












Dongje di argoments di lenghistiche si ŕ in plui la pussibilitât di imparâ il furlan in ręt. Il Cors in trę lenghis, par talian, par spagnűl e par inglęs, al permet, câs unic tes lenghis minoritariis, a cualsisei student dal mont di imparâ il furlan. Su la ręt o proferěn la version pai students di lenghe inglese




Along with linguistic contents you have furthermore the possibility of learning Friulian on the web. The Course in three languages, in Italian, English and Spanish, allows, a case unique for a minority language, any student in the world to learn the Friulian language.  On the web we propose the course for English speaking students





Tu puedis tacâ cul Alfabet, scoltant la regjistrazion.

Cuant che tu sielzis une unitât, tu puedis sielzis il dialic 1 o 2 o altris; intant che tu cjalis il dialic scrit, dopo cjalcjât il boton dal link, tu puedis scoltâ la part regjistrade. Par abituâti a la lenghe fevelade, al sarčs miôr che tu scoltassis la part regjistrade. Altris e impuartants esercizis di pronuncie tu ju cjatis tal Capitul Pronunciation Exercices.





You can start with the Alphabet, listening to the recording.

When you choose a Unit, you can choose dialogue 1 or 2 and so on; while you look at the dialogue, after pressing the link button, you can listen to the recorded part. To get used to the spoken language, you’d better you just listen to the recorded part. More and very important pronunciation exercises are given in the Pronunciation exercises chapter.



 Di seguito una breve descrizione dei contenuti .

Titul / Title




 Cuvierte dal libri

 Cover of the book


 La vore e je dedicade a

 The book is dedicated to


 Liste dal contignűt dal libri

 List of the content of the book


 Si spieghe lis finalitâts dal cors e  la  sô struture

 In it you’ll find explained the  purpose and the structure of the  course


 Par ognidune da lis unitâts si  cjatin  la schirie dai dialics, la  pagjine, la  funzion comunicative  esercitade ta  l’unitât e la  gramatiche relative

 For each unit you’ll find the   number of the dialogues, the  page,  the communication  function  practiced in the unit and  the  grammar concerned


 Lis letaris dal Alfabet furlan

 The letters of the Friulian  Alphabet

UNITS TEXTS                     

 I tescj e i dialics di ogni singule  unitât

 Texts and dialogues of each unit


 Tu cjatis indicade la pagjine dulŕ  ch’e je spiegade chę part  gramaticâl

 You’ll find the page where a  particular grammatical part is  explained


 Dal menu di campe tu puedis scoltâ i esercizis di pronuncie

 From the menu on the left you can listen to the pronunciation exercise


 Al č un vocabolariut di 2600  peraulis cu la jentrade par furlan

 It’s a small dictionary with 2600  words entered in Friulian


 Si cjate une esemplificazion da lis  cuatri coniugazions regolârs par  furlan

 You’ll find an example of the four  regular conjugations in Friulian  language



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